Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting Started

So many people I know have blogs now. I read my sisters Stephanie's and Heather's blogs everyday. And though I'm convinced that my life is nowhere near that interesting I figured, what the heck. It will give me something to do while Morgan plays video games!

Speaking of video games, I'm convinced I'm missing some genetic code that you need to have to appreciate video games. Morgan usually will go 3 or 4 months without playing any games, but when he gets a new one it's all that's on for a week. There have been many conversations between us about how much fun they are, but I just don't see it. And I also get a little motion sickness when I watch it for too long. But I don't mind, it gives me an excuse to read or get stuff done around the house that I wouldn't if a movie was on.


  1. Yeah for you! The funny thing is... the best posts are usually about the ordinary "boring" aspects of life!
    You are on my favorites!

  2. Haha, I am also "missing" that genetic code for any form of appreciation of video games!! {Bran & I have a deal that he gets to play video games while I out pretty well!} Welcome to the fun world of blogging! :)

  3. I suppose in the grand what not of things code less is better than clue less.
