Thursday, April 28, 2011

The best sub of my life

So today is Thursday which means it is the day that I visit my OB. I've been going to my OB visits by myself since they pretty much have consisted of the same things; weight check, blood pressure check, check the heartbeats, and ask if I have any questions. But since we are nearing the end Morgan decided he wanted to take me. We were hoping to get a little more info about a date to plan our c section.

We were in the lobby and happened to see a couple that we had a childbirth class with. They were telling us that they were headed to triage due to a high blood pressure. After they left we got called back. I did all my normal check up things and then the nurse took my blood pressure. She grimaced a little and said "Well it's 152 over 80" I don't speak nurse so I asked if that was bad and she said it was a little high. I've had great blood pressure my entire pregnancy so they tell me so I was freaked out something was different.

We went to an exam room and the doctor came in to check the babies. They looked great so she checked my BP again. Still high so she said I'm now on bed rest and also I would be taking a trip to triage to be monitored for a while.

Now I was assured that this was no big deal, I was probably going to be sent home after a few hours, but I was still freaked! We got to the Women's Pavilion and got checked in. After a few minutes we got put in a triage room and I had all kinds of gadgets and whatnots strapped to me. My blood pressure had already started to go down. They drew blood and kept monitoring me for 45 min. I'm so glad Morgan was there or I would have gone crazy. After we were there for a bit I told him I was STARVING but I didn't want him to leave me. He called his m0m and asked her to bring us some lunch. In the meantime I was told my labs came back normal and my BP was going down good. The girls heart rates were super. Harriet got there and had the best sub I've ever eaten. A Jimmy Johns Beach Club, yum! I realized as I was eating it that it was 3:30 and I had nothing since 6:30.

We got discharged and headed home. Now I begin my exhausting bed rest. I'm hoping I don't go stir crazy. But the good news is it will only be for a little more than a week.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could help out. I can't count the number of things that Mama and Joyce did for me through all my babies.

    It was good to have a chance to see where to go when it is for real.
