Saturday, February 5, 2011

I love a Saturday

I might be weird, but I love a rainy Saturday. It makes me more inclined to just be lazy, which, lets face it, is hard to do when you're busy most of the time. So far I've.....

.............Gotten a fabulous hair cut from my good friend/cousin-in-law Kaley

..............Eaten lunch with my favorite husband

...............Watch an episode of the Cosby show on Netflix Instant watch (Morgan calls it our free parenting classes :)

..............Gotten the mail. In it was the cutest baby shower invitation I have ever seen!! For me!!! Thanks Meredyth and Mary An.

...............Taken a nice long nap with my Murphycat snuggled up next the the babies (aka my tummy)

Now what's on the agenda for the rest of the day?

............Catching up on all my blogs.

.............Working on the play quilt I'm sewing for the girls, don't worry I'll blog about that once it's complete.

.............Setting up the changing table to complete our nursery furniture (okay more like I'll watch Morgan set it up:)

.............Movie night at home with my sweet man, and making a molten chocolate cake for dessert.

I love a lazy Saturday.

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