Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What You've Missed

So while we were keeping our "little" secret this past couple months there has been a lot going on with me. Here's a list of the first trimester pregnancy stuff I've been going through.

1. Number one that any expecting mom can tell you, pregnancy makes you tired. Now pregnancy with twins....exhausted!! I would feel like sleeping all day and all night so much. My normal bed time has been 9 or 9:30 with 8:30 being a bed time here and there. My energy has come back a little, but 9:30 you still find me in bed.

2. A lot of people may hate me for this, but I've not had any sickness. Every once in a while if it was close to meal time I might feel queasy but a few crackers and I was okay. I'm really thankful because my doctor scared me into thinking twins would mean really mad morning sickness.

3.Cravings! At first I didn't really crave anything, but around 8 weeks I started to really get them. Number one for me is red meat. Sometimes I feel like if I don't have some form of cow I'll go insane. Just last night Morgan grilled us some steaks, and I swear I've never been more happy :) Also major craving has been OJ. I could drink it at every meal, including last night with my steak. I've also could put hot sauce on about everything. The spicier the better!!

4. Aversions. Don't come near me with scrambled eggs. Ugh, just thinking about them turns my stomach. Also sweets, especially chocolate, does not interest me at all. Which is brand new to me.

5. Random things: My nails grow super fast. I cry at everything! I get really crabby which even I have to admit. And I forget everything. I even had to look up my zip code when addressing a letter. Pregnant brain is a real thing.

That's a little bit of the things that have been going on. I enjoy looking up all the crazy old wives tales to try and figure out what these kids are, but having two I'm not sure what the old wives predictions would be.

1 comment:

  1. I threw up EVERYDAY that I carried a baby inside my womb! :(
